"For I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you visited me."
The mission of Veteran Services Unlimited holds the fundamental belief that everyone, no matter how deprived in circumstance is entitled to dignity, respect and is deserving of assistance and the opportunity to achieve a life of self-sufficiency. Our common love and respect for AMERICA and her heroes brings us together to assist homeless, disabled, and needy war Veterans.
Veterans Services Unlimited operates a home that houses medically indigent veterans, at no service fee to them, located in Houston Texas. They also feed homeless veterans and advocate for them with the VA to get them the benefits they deserve, and help them meet their medical needs. For more information about our activities, visit our Facebook page (Veterans Services Unlimited, Inc.)
Our contact information
By email:
By standard mail:
Veterans Services Unlimited, Inc.
6950 Faith Ave
Canyon, TX, 79015
By phone:
(832)868-3263 (24 hours a day for emergency services for vets)
veteranservices@yahoo.comIf at any time you have any questions about your donation, what it is being used for, your order shipping dates, or any other VSU related questions, please contact VSU at the number listed above.
VETERANS SERVICES UNLIMITED a nonprofit serving veterans and their families